Londres, 2-5 septembre 2008
Enseigner l'écriture – Apprendre à écrire
Teaching Writing – Learning to Write
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Appel à communications – Call for Papers
Colloques du CIPL
  • ACTES •  

(Résumés non disponibles • No abstract available)

ALTURO y PERUCHO, Jesús (Spain) :
La enseñanza y el aprendizaje de la escritura en Cataluña desde el siglo IX al XII.

ANTONIO, Paul (United Kingdom) :
[Title to be announced.]

AUSTIN, Jacqueline (United Kingdom) :
"Librarii qui docere possint" : scribal training at Vindolanda.

BURNETT, Charles (United Kingdom) :
Learning to write numerals in the Middle Ages.

CAMINO MARTINEZ, Carmen Del (Spain) :
Aprendizaje y modelos gráficos : entre el ámbito profesional y el privado.

CARMAZZI, Patrizia (Italy) :
Lettere e scrittura nell'insegnamento grammaticale del Medioevo : teoria di una pratica ?

CECCHERINI, Irene (Italy) :
Insegnamento, funzione e diffusione sociale della scrittura a Firenze nei secoli XIII e XIV.

CLANCHY, Michael (United Kingdom) :
Was writing taught, along with reading, to children through the ABC primer ?

COHEN-MUSHLIN, Aliza (Israel) :
A school for scribes : the scriptorium of St. Mary Magdalene in Frankenthal in the 12th century.

DANBURY, Elizabeth (United Kingdom) :
Late medieval English chancery clerks : learning to write and writing to impress.

FIORETTI, Paolo (Italy) :
Ink writing and "a sgraffio" writing in ancient Rome : from learning to practical use.

GANZ, David (United Kingdom) :
Early medieval cursive scripts : calligraphy and risk.

GUNNLAUGSSON, Guðvarður Már (Iceland) :
Reading and Writing in Medieval Iceland.

HAMESSE, Jacqueline (Belgium) :
Maîtrise de l'écriture et pratiques universitaires.

KALISZUK, Jerzy (Poland) :
Latin script and vernacular texts in the Middle Ages : the case of Polish texts (14th-15th centuries).

KRESS, Berthold (Germany) :
The Alphabet of Paul Lautensack : from elementary school to divine revelation.

KWAKKEL, Erik (Netherlands/Canada) :
Disobeying the rules : unconventional scribal practices in the late Middle Ages.

MANTEGNA, Cristina (Italy) :
Scritture di pratici, scritture di giuristi, scritture di " dotti " : scuole ed esperienze grafiche a confronto.

MORUJÃO, Maria do Rosario (Portugal) :
Apprendre à écrire dans le Portugal médiéval : bilan des connaissances.

NIBLAEUS, Erik (Sweden) :
Learning to write in Southern Sweden : liturgical fragments and the creation of a culture of the book.

OMMUNDSEN, Åslaug (Norway) :
The first scribal culture in Norway.

PLUTA, Olaf (Germany) :
"Quaedam regulae de modo titulandi..." : a late-medieval tutorial for novice scribes.

SANDLER, Lucy (United States) :
"Written with the finger of God" : fourteenth-century images of scribal practice in the Lichtenthal Psalter.

SCARPATETTI, Beat von (Switzerland) :
Thirty-three exclamations in a Basle Donatus MS of the 14th century.

SEITER, Annina (Switzerland) :
"Latinis regulis barbara nomina stringi non possunt", or How to write the vernacular.

STEINMANN, Martin (Switzerland) :
Writing monks in the early Middle Ages.

STONES, Alison M. (United States) :
The Valenciennes Papias and learning in the grammar school in thirteenth-century France.

ZIRONI, Alessandro (Italy) :
Reading and writing Gothic in the Carolingian age.