Berlin, 16 – 19 septembre 2015
Le changement dans les écritures et les manuscrits du Moyen Age et de la Renaissance
"Change" in medieval and Renaissance scripts and manuscripts
Colloques internationaux de paléographie latine XIXe Colloque (page d'accueil)
Comité international de paléographie latine


1. The Colloquium will take place at two venues:

2. The participation fee amounts to € 45.

3. On September 18 an optional Colloquium Banquet will be organized in a centrally located restaurant (ca. € 40 [drinks not included], to be paid in advance).

4. On September 19, a whole-time optional excursion (by train) to the city of Brandenburg will be organized, including guided visits of the city center, the cathedral and the commemorative exhibition on the foundation of the bishopric in 1165 (ca. € 45, to be paid in advance). See: http://www.dom-brandenburg.de/en/domjubilaeum/.

5. Each participant will receive an invoice in due time.

6. There are many hotels in all classes close to both venues. Some recommended hotels:

7. Unlike Sankt Gallen and Ljubljana, Berlin is an extensive city. It is highly recommended to use public transport (bus, subway, S-Bahn, see www.bvg.de).

8. Further tourist information is available from http://www.berlin.de/en/tourism/ .

All inquiries concerning the Colloquium are to be sent to
[email protected]