LONDON, The British LibraryPROSPER AQUITANUS, Liber Sententiarum ex Augustino excerptarum; Flores Augustini; IOANNES DAMASCENUS, De fide orthodoxa – ms. London, BL, Add. MS 78,830
13th cent. (mid-), France (North: Cysoing?) Vellum; ff. iv + 410, 161 x 109 mm. 6 inhabited initials, minor 2-line pen-flourished initials. Blind tooled brown russia binding with one clasp
Signed at the end (f. 410) by the scribes, Johannes dictus Campions and Arnulphus de Camphaing, and the illuminator, Gossuins de Lecaucie Owners: Charles Ashby Holland (19th cent.); Charles Hurt junior, of Wirksworth (+ 1853); Charles Butler, of Warren Wood (1822-1910); Sir Sydney Cockerell (1867-1962); Eric George Millar (1887-1966). Brian Sawyer Cron (1913-2002)
Presented by Nicholas Cron, son of Brian S. Cron, 13 Nov. 2002